"One-dimensional transient numerical modeling of a micro-power generati" by Emre Tatli



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Ismail Celik.


Two core modules of a more comprehensive model for analyzing the flow of fluids in a hybrid system including a fuel cell are developed. First part consists of a new procedure for scaling turbomachinery maps. In the last few decades, the sizes of turbomachinery have been getting smaller and smaller for various purposes. New designs have pushed the limits of power generation to be in more compact sizes, which lead to smaller compressors and turbines. For new designs, it is important to know how the turbomachinery in the system will behave at certain conditions. But it is not practical to build a turbomachinery during the design process since there might be changes in the configuration of the system afterwards and it is a very costly procedure. It is also a very time consuming process to obtain experimental data for off design conditions. What is usually done is to use similar sized turbomachinery maps to predict the behavior of the system with reasonable approximations. This method provides better estimates with much less cost.;Second part introduces a transient one-dimensional numerical model of the flow in pipes. The program uses the projection method to solve for the variables in a transient 1-D compressible flow system in a variable cross-sectional duct with friction and heat transfer. This model is verified through comparison with the analytical solutions of various flows. It gives very accurate results for any type of flow including unsteady flows with friction and heat transfer. A case study of flow through a combustion chamber is also presented.
