"Perception of safety and usability of powered hand tools" by Mun-Su Seol



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Industrial and Managements Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Steven F. Wiker

Committee Co-Chair

Michael J. Klishis


The objective of this research was to identify the relationship between powered hand tool design features and risk and usability perception. The general goal of this research was to provide information that will help in the design of tools that do not create inaccurate impressions of safety or usability.;Safety and usability perception evaluations were conducted to identify which factors influence on user's safety and usability perception. Orthogonal view images of three categories of powered hand tools were developed and deployed at the web for their evaluation. One hundred and one subjects participated in this research. The estimated injury data (2001 to 2003) from CPSC and respondent's perceptions were compared to find out that there is a mismatch between their perception and injuries.;The comparison between injuries and user's safety perception indicated that there is a mismatch between both variables. The dimensions of powered hand tools studied showed no relationship with subjects' perception. There was a strong association between safety and usability perception. Unlike other research (Wogalter, et al, 1993), there was no correlation between respondents' injury experience and their safety perception ratings during this study.;The findings showed that factors other than measured differences tool dimensions, such as experience and confidence in their ability to use tools, influenced subjects' perceptions. However, a relationship was not disclosed between observer's personal factors such as age and gender and their perception.
