

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

David R. Martinelli.


Traffic signals are one of the primary constraints on corridor capacity in the highway/arterial network. The amount traffic is impeded is heavily dependent on the quality of the signal timings.;The purpose of this research was to conduct a case study of a congested corridor to demonstrate the benefits of traffic signal retiming/optimization on corridor operations. Tactically, this research involved development and application of a methodology to develop and assess signal timing plan alternatives. The research demonstrated the benefits in terms of delay, travel time, emissions, and fuel consumption. Strategically, this project can be used to provide a concrete example of the benefits of traffic signal timing improvement.;Four alternatives were developed. The fourth, a phasing change with coordination garnered the best results. The phasing change alone was found to be beneficial; however, implementing coordination in the corridor in conjunction with the phasing change yielded even greater benefits.
