Date of Graduation
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Mining Engineering
Committee Chair
Syd S. Peng.
Subsurface imaging technologies are part of the electromagnetic (EM) geophysical methods. EM technologies such as radio imaging method (RIM), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and drill string radar (DSR) have great application potentials in the mining industry.;However, the success for applying the EM methods to subsurface observations is largely dependant on the correct evaluation of the electrical properties (e.g., wave attenuation rate and dielectric constant) of the rocks in the domain of interest. Study of the electrical properties of rocks was performed in order to gain better understanding about their variations across the country. The study was done specifically for rocks associated with coal seams. The findings are to be used for improvement of the exploration capabilities of the electromagnetic (EM) technologies in the mining industry.;A large amount of data was collected and available for use to the potential users via the database that was developed.
Recommended Citation
Boykov, Nikolay D., "Measurements of the electrical properties of coal measure rocks" (2006). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 1726.