"Application of a statistical zonation technique to Granny Creek field " by Venkata Kristamsetty



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Committee Chair

H. Ilkin Bilgesu.


The significance of dividing the sedimentary intervals into flow units reflects groups of rocks that has similar geologic, physical properties and depositional environment that affect fluid flow. Variations in rock properties result from depositional, diagenetic and post-depositional changes. A flow unit is a volume of a reservoir rock that is continuous laterally and vertically and has similar averages of those rock properties that affect fluid flow.;In this study, a statistical zonation technique developed by Testerman to identify and describe naturally occurring zones in a reservoir is applied to Granny Creek field in West Virginia. This technique is particularly useful in describing a reservoir where crossflow between adjacent strata is important in determining reservoir behavior. We established a linear relationship between the core permeability and density from the log in the cored wells to predict the permeability of the uncored wells, allowing for extension of flow units to these wells. Then the flow units from well to well were correlated by statistical calculation. Although it has been used for permeability zonation, the technique is general and can be used to correlate any reservoir property.
