"Reducing false rejection rate in iris recognition by quality enhanceme" by Mayank Vatsa



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Afzel Noore.


In this thesis we propose a set of algorithms to reduce the false rejection rate of iris recognition. Even though high recognition accuracy is claimed for iris recognition algorithms, high false rejection rates cause the impediment in worldwide use of iris biometrics.;A novel iris segmentation algorithm for non-ideal iris images treating iris as an elliptical object is proposed. Further, quality of the extracted iris image is improved using SVM based enhancement algorithm. In this algorithm, selected enhancement algorithms globally enhance the iris image and the learning algorithm synergistically fuses local information from these intermediate enhanced images. 1D log polar Gabor wavelet is then used to extract the textural features from the enhanced iris image and Euler numbers are used to extract the topological features. The extracted textural features give a global description of the iris image whereas the topological features are rotation, translation and scaling invariant. These two features are fused using the proposed match score and decision fusion algorithms. Among the three proposed fusion algorithm, SVM learning based match score fusion algorithm outperforms other fusion algorithms. Using CASIA, Miles, UBIRIS and UPOL iris databases, experimental results show that the proposed algorithm gives reduced failure to enroll rate with comparable accuracy.
