"Operating market based regulation service using software agents compli" by Ramanujam Srinivasan



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Ali Feliachi.


With the changing scenario for procurement of energy it becomes necessary to understand the process of obtaining energy from a diverse set of suppliers capable of providing substantial amounts of electric power at competitive prices. Sufficient insight has been gained in the energy brokerage system design and planning owing to experiences in the recently established markets especially the California market. It becomes contextual to analyze and understand the procurement of ancillary services, which are generally bundled as part of the wholesale energy supply chain, using a similarly competitive environment having a number of players that provide electric power for such services.;The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to provide a simulation package for conducting competitive auctions using software agents for the regulation service auction market, and (2) to demonstrate the compliance of a power system, employing Automatic Generation Control with parameters obtained from such a market, with North American Electric Reliability Council's performance standards. The package employs a flexible and extensible Java-based agent development environment, MADKIT, to simulate the auctions for regulation service, and MATLAB/SIMULINK models with a fuzzy controller to simulate the power system. The framework is tested using a sample three-area power system, where the parameters for regulation service in the second area are obtained from a competitive auction market. A bidding strategy based on fuzzy logic is also designed and tested for ensuring good profit for a bidding supplier in the auctions.
