

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mining Engineering

Committee Chair

Syd S. Peng.


Previously a new test procedure, based on rigid arching, had been developed to determine the true transverse pressure capacity of mine ventilation block stoppings. Using this test procedure, a parametric study of the design parameters was tested to determine the arching capability in block stoppings. Theoretical assessments of arching and design equations were developed creating design guidelines based on the physical properties of the block stoppings. Based on these design guidelines, a computer program was developed to simulate the transverse pressure capacity of mine ventilation block stoppings. Inputs from users will generate a set of representative scenarios simulating a particular system. Users can incorporate block characteristics, mine opening dimensions, mine roof/floor boundary conditions addition of deformable materials and other parameters relevant to the design capabilities of the block stoppings. This program will provide a comparison summary of transverse pressure capacity of various block types under arch loading conditions.
