Date of Graduation
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Type
Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design
Agricultural & Extension Education
Committee Chair
Harry N. Boone, Jr.
Recruitment is the act of enrolling new members as well as keeping current levels of members or students. Questionnaires were sent to all agricultural education teachers in West Virginia to determine what strategies were being used to maintain and increase enrollment in agriculture education programs throughout West Virginia. The first questionnaire was sent to 97 agricultural education teachers asking them to list recruiting activities that they used to promote their programs. A second questionnaire was sent asking them to rate the effectiveness of recruitment activities they have participated in over the past four (4) years. Forty-six secondary agricultural education teachers responded to the survey (45%). Communications between the school administrations and guidance counselors were a concern to the recruiting of agriculture students and scheduling.
Recommended Citation
Dewhurst, Danny R., "Recruitment strategies used by high school agriculture education teachers in West Virginia" (2004). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 2006.