"Predicting the performance of horizontal wells in unconventional gas r" by Dylan Todd Drinkard



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Committee Chair

Kashy Aminian.


Unconventional gas has become an increasingly important component of total U.S. domestic production for the past decade. Currently, only numerical models (simulators) can be used to predict production behavior in unconventional gas reservoirs. Numerical models are expensive and time consuming and the needed variables for evaluations are often unknown or only estimated.;This research has focused on developing a simple, quick, and reliable tool to predict gas production from horizontal wells in the unconventional gas reservoirs. This study presents a set of production type curves for coalbed methane (CBM) reservoirs. A reservoir model that incorporates the unique flow and storage characteristics of CBM reservoirs was used to generate production profile by varying reservoir parameters. The production profiles were then analyzed to develop two sets of unique type curves for horizontal CBM wells. These two sets of production type curves are for the two flow regimes associated with the horizontal wells namely linear flow early and elliptical flow late in the life of the well.;Porosity, Langmuir volume, drainage area size, well length were found not to impact type curves significantly. The ratio of well length to reservoir length was found to influence the type curves significantly. Langmuir pressure and horizontal permeability were found to have minor impact on the shape of the type curve. Drainage shape was assumed to be rectangle since it is the more effective drainage area for horizontal wells. The impact of drainage area shape was not investigated in this study.
