"Anatomical measurements of orthodontic and edentulous casts to determi" by Byron A. Davis



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



School of Dentistry


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Mark W. Richards.


Without dental records of patients' teeth prior to extractions, the selection of maxillary anterior teeth for the edentulous patient is mostly subjective. Several techniques using anatomic landmarks have been suggested for determining the size of maxillary anterior teeth. The purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of using 3 anatomical areas of the oral cavity the "right hamular notch-incisive papilla-left hamular notch (HN-IP-HN) measurement," to calculate the width from the distal of the canine to the distal of the opposite canine. 24 post-orthodontic dentulous patients and 19 edentulous patients were evaluated for maxillary anterior tooth size using the hamular notch-incisive papilla measurements. Measurements were made on stone casts of post-orthodontic patients to determine if the anatomical measurements correlated to the actual tooth measurements. The edentulous patient measurements were used to select denture teeth from either the Ivoclar Blue Line tooth guide or the Trubyte tooth guide and evaluated for acceptability by the patient and two prosthodontists. The orthodontic patient measurements were measured to compare the correlation of the predicted value of the patients' teeth and their actual measurements. The percent correlation of the orthodontic patients' predicted and actual measurements was 97%. The predicted values for the edentulous patients were used to select the maxillary anterior teeth and were considered acceptable by 18 of the 19 patients. The high correlation between actual tooth size and the (HN-IP-HN) measurement for the orthodontic patients' in this study indicates that this (HN-IP-HN) measurement maybe helpful in the selection of maxillary anterior denture teeth.
