"Propagation and field assessment of West Virginia native species for r" by Sarah B. Wennerberg



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences



Committee Chair

Donna I. Ford-Werntz.


Road construction removes vegetation from roadside slopes, making them susceptible to erosion and non-native plant introductions. Erosion Sediment Control (ESC) practices can reduce the annual loss of soil by as much as 100 cubic yards per acre and be cost beneficial. ESC includes using plant species that can germinate and survive on reconstructed areas. In West Virginia, the Division of Highways (WVDoH), uses plant species that are not native, and sometimes invasive, to revegetate newly constructed roadsides. This activity contributes to the growing problem of increased non-native and invasive species in our landscape.;This research investigated the potential use of five WV native species for roadside revegetation: Sabatia angularis, Baptisia tinctoria, Rhus aromatica, Vitis riparia, and Parthenocissus quinquefolia . Chapter two describes seed propagation and field planting studies of S. angularis and B. tinctoria. Temperature and chemical pretreatment effects on germination were tested in the greenhouse. Gibberellic acid was found to be the chemical pretreatment that resulted in the greatest percent germination for both species. In the field, germination was compared to greenhouse germination and net population change and mean height were monitored. Baptisia tinctoria had an initial germination rate of 22%, continual increase in net population change, and an overall mean height change of 9.55mm. Sabatia angularis had an initial germination rate of 15%, declined in net population change throughout the season, and had an overall mean height change of 6.83 mm. Chapter three describes root propagation studies of R. aromatica and V. riparia. Indole-butyric-acid (IBA) was found to promote root production of cuttings in the greenhouse. In the field, effects of slope aspect and arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) treatment on survival and mean height change of R. aromatica and P. quinquefolia cuttings within plots above steep roadside slopes were examined. Despite high mortality, P. quinquefolia showed potential for use in roadside revegetation.
