"Willingness to pay as a predictor of viability for three different rec" by Jessica Ann Neff



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Recreation, Parks and Tourism Resources

Committee Chair

Robert C. Burns.


In 1996, under the Clinton administration, the recreation fee demonstration program (RFDP) was authorized by Congress as a three-year pilot program. The initial authorization of the fee program was extended numerous times until it was proposed to become a permanent part of the legislation. In December 2004, Congress passed the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FREA) (P.L. 108-447), which permanently authorized the five federal land agencies to continue a recreation fee program for a period of ten years. The purpose behind FREA is to retain recreation fee revenues to supplement appropriations and other funding sources. Recreation fee dollars differ from appropriated funds from Congress in that 80% of the fee revenue stays on-site to support recreation programs. This incentive from the fee program assists local managers by utilizing the necessary funds needed to keep recreation sites open and maintained through quality standards. Visitors can also benefit from the recreation fee program through better quality of services, extended visitor center hours, and routine maintenance of trails etc.;The purpose of this study was to investigate the recreation fee program and respondents who recreate on the national forests of Washington, Oregon, and around the Denver metropolitan area of Colorado. More specifically, this study examined respondents' willingness to pay a maximum and appropriate fee as a predictor of viability for three types of recreational passes. The study also examined selected socio-demographic variables in willingness to pay. The three types of recreational passes that were examined within this study included the Northwest Forest Pass, Daily Pass, and the Golden Eagle Pass. Based on the findings from this study, a majority of respondents indicated a willingness to pay an appropriate fee according to the current fee prices currently being charged.
