"Effects of varying body forces on isothermal and non isothermal liquid" by Deepak Mehra



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

Donald D. Gray.


Liquid jet impingement is often used to cool heated surfaces encountered in various industrial applications. Such applications include cooling of electronic components and annealing of metals. Liquid jet impingement investigations primarily involve submerged jets and less commonly free liquid jets. Most of the studies done on both submerged jet impingement and free liquid jet impingement are done under terrestrial gravity conditions. There have been few studies on liquid jet impingement under non terrestrial conditions in zero or non zero gravitational force or of electrical body forces. These conditions are expected to result in significantly different flow patterns and heat transfer compared to terrestrial gravity.;The relatively uncommon forces like the electric Kelvin force could significantly affect the heat transfer and flow characteristics of an impinging liquid jet. As per one of the objectives of this research, an electrode arrangement was designed to obtain a uniform electric Kelvin body force acting in a direction opposite to the impinging jet. Another objective was to assess the effects of varying gravity on heat transfer to an impinging jet. Simulation results involving liquid jet impingement with different body forces are presented in this dissertation. These results were obtained with the aid of a commercial multiphysics code called CFD-ACE+.;The isothermal set of simulations included the electric Kelvin force as the source term, while in the non isothermal cases gravity was varied from 0 to 1.5 g in the increments of 0.5 g. The transient effects of the electric Kelvin force were observed in the isothermal simulations while in the non isothermal simulations it was found that for low velocities the heat transfer from an impinging liquid jet was enhanced as the gravitational force was increased.
