"Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence instructors' use of e-l" by Salem A. Albalwi



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies

Committee Chair

Perry Phillips.


The purpose of the study was to determine whether significant differences exist among instructors at King Abdulaziz University's (KAU) Humanities and Scientific Colleges concerning their perceived levels of expertise and current use of e-learning technologies as part of their teaching. The proposed study also assessed influential factors (motivators and barriers) as measured by a survey questionnaire and examined them in terms of sex, academic field, and years of teaching experience.;Statistical methods of analysis for this study used means, standard deviations, frequencies, percentages, factor analysis, a 3-way factorial ANOVA, and Scheffe's Post Hoc Analysis. Based on 227 responses, the findings indicate that instructors at KAU had a positive sense of technological expertise and categorized themselves as "proficient" (51.1%), "expert" (12.5%) and that there was a minimal use of e-learning technologies. Intrinsic factors proved to be more important than extrinsic factors for the motivational factors, and the reverse is true for the barriers.;There were several significant differences among instructors in the main effects and interactions regarding four dependent variables (expertise, current usage, motivation, and barriers) based on three independent variables (A) Sex, (B) Academic field, (C) Teaching experience, and the interactions of the variables together (AB, AC, BC, and ABC).;The significant differences reveal the influence of A, B, C, and the interactions of these variables with the four dependent variables: General expertise - A (F = 10.244; P = 0.002), B (F = 6.752; P = 0.010), C (F = 3.078; P = 0.029), and interactions AB (F = 8.989; P = 0.003) and BC (F = 3.540; P = 0.016); Specific expertise - A (F = 18.230; P = 0.000) and interactions AB (F = 7.216; P = 0.008) and BC (F = 2.998; P = 0.032); Current usage - A(F = 22.594; P = 0.000) and interactions AB(F = 12.802; P = 0.000) and BC(F = 3.644; P = 0.014); Motivation showed no significance; and Barriers, only A (F = 5.447; P = 0.021). Furthermore, this study provides a number of areas where additional research is needed in the future.
