Date of Graduation
Document Type
Dissertation (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Committee Chair
Khashayar Aminian.
The results of the modeling studies to determine the production performance of multiple fractured horizontal wells completed in shale formation has been summarized in this dissertation. A commercial reservoir simulator was utilized to model both single and dual porosity reservoir (with and without adsorption) with multiple layers. The impact of reservoir characteristics including natural fractures and hydraulic fractures properties on the production performance were investigated. In addition, the results were utilized to investigate the flow regimes for horizontal wells with one or multiple hydraulic fractures.;Flow regime identification in low permeability reservoirs is extremely critical to evaluate performance of the horizontal wells. In this research, a number of possible flow regimes were identified using both log-log plot of inverse of the flow rate and its derivative versus time. They included linear, tri-linear (second linear), and pseudo-steady state. In addition, Decline Curve Analysis (DCA) and Production Type Curves (PTC) were also considered in this study to confirm the observed flow regimes and their production behavior. The results of this study will provide an understanding of flow behaviors in low permeability reservoirs. Understanding of the flow behavior can then be used to predict production from low permeability reservoirs such as Marcellus shale.
Recommended Citation
Belyadi, Abbas, "Modeling studies to evaluate performance of the horizontal wells completed in shale" (2011). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 3108.