"A delphi study to identify teaching competencies of teacher education " by Sonhwa Na



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

John G. Wells.


The purpose of this study was to reach consensus on future course delivery modes and recommended teaching competencies that would be required for teacher education faculty in future course delivery environments. A three-round, online modified Delphi study was used to answer the following research questions (RQs): (a) RQ1: What course delivery modes will teacher education faculty of traditional colleges and universities be using in 2015?, and (b) RQ2: What competencies will teacher education faculty of traditional colleges and universities need to teach using these delivery modes? Course delivery modes and general teaching competencies were determined as a result of consensus reached by a panel of 17 educational experts drawn from institutions within the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and other educational organizations. The first round used an open-ended questionnaire format. The responses generated by the first round contributed to the development of the Round II instrument. In the second round, panelists were asked to rate the items identified in round one on a 7 point Likert-scale. The Round III questionnaire was designed using Round II results. Ratings by individual panel members were shown relative to the group response (median, mode, and IQR), followed by a request for the panelist to re-rate or confirm their original rating from Round II. Based on an analysis of data collected in Rounds I, II, and III, the following conclusions were drawn for each research question. Data collected to answer RQ1 found that teacher education faculty of traditional colleges and universities in 2015 will integrate more online technologies into their face-to-face classroom-based teaching environment. Blended course delivery modes integrating online components was strongly supported by the panel experts who participated in the study. Among the various future online approaches identified through this study, the asynchronous, or combination asynchronous and synchronous, mode will be preferred over the synchronous mode alone. Data analyzed to address RQ2 found that there will be a total of 77 general teaching competencies needed by higher education faculty in the coming decade. These competencies were logically grouped into the following five categories: planning and designing learning environment; teaching and learning; technology; assessment and evaluation; and cultural and ethical issues.
