Date of Graduation
Document Type
Dissertation (Open Access)
Degree Type
College of Education and Human Services
Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies
Committee Chair
Mike Cunningham.
The faculty perceptions of administrative support for distance education and best distance education teaching practice were investigated. Participants were selected from the 2004-2005 full-time distance education faculty at Kentucky Community and Technical College, n = 432. The researcher developed a self-report survey, the Good Practices Survey, as a means to collect data for the research. Research questions investigating the relationship between four independent variables and perception of good distance education teaching practices were significant indicating that faculty perceive administrative support when implementing good distance education teaching practice. Research questions investigating the relationship between faculty support, student support, and support for assessment were significant. However, research questions investigating the relationship between administrative support for technology and good distance education teaching practice indicated no significance. Further research is needed more information is needed to (a) identify motivational factors of the distance education faculty member; (b) further investigate the various concerns addressed by administration and faculty of distance education, and (c) elaborate on how leadership responsibilities at each level of support or hinder the delivery of quality distance education programs.
Recommended Citation
Fugitt, Carol L., "An analysis of the relationship between faculty perception of administrative support and the faculty perceived levels of implementation of good teaching practice in distance education" (2006). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 3466.