

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Dissertation (Open Access)

Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies

Committee Chair

Ernest Goeres.


The health care profession is faced with a well publicized shortage of registered nurses. This shortage is accompanied by a declining number of nurse educators who are needed to prepare individuals entering the field. Factors recognized to be related to the educator shortage are the heavy workload and academic demands that immediately confront the new educator. Faculty members have reported feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of their decision to enter academia. Moreover, nurse educators enter into the profession with varying educational backgrounds which pose challenges to their respective nursing program to develop their entry level needs.;The purpose of the study was to determine the perceived qualifications and competencies of nurse educators as they entered into new faculty positions. A sample of 69 newly hired faculty located in six states participated in the study. A comparison of perceived competencies and qualifications of novice nurse educators (one year or less of teaching experience) and experienced nurse educators (greater than one year of teaching experience) was examined. The competencies and qualifications of nurse educators with two types of degree specializations were also explored.;Statistical analyses suggested no significant difference in perceived competency levels for educators with and without teaching experience. Data analyses also revealed no significant difference in perceived competency levels for educators with differing degree specializations. Findings suggest that a thorough assessment of the competencies and qualifications of new faculty be initiated to best support them in their new role. Once completed, nursing programs will be prepared to assist new faculty in meeting their individual needs and further develop the competencies held by the new educator. As a result, new nurse educators will be more likely to remain in the profession as they receive the appropriate guidance needed toward preparing the increased number of registered nurses to alleviate our nation's health care crisis.
