"Analog Signal Buffering and Reconstruction" by Brandon M. Kelly



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

David W. Graham.


Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are capable of a myriad of tasks, from monitoring critical infrastructure such as bridges to monitoring a person's vital signs in biomedical applications. However, their deployment is impractical for many applications due to their limited power budget. Sleep states are one method used to conserve power in resource-constrained systems, but they necessitate a wake-up circuit for detecting unpredictable events. In conventional wake-up-based systems, all information preceding a wake-up event will be forfeited. To avoid this data loss, it is necessary to include a buffer that can record prelude information without sacrificing the power savings garnered by the active use of sleep states.;Unfortunately, traditional memory buffer systems utilize digital electronics which are costly in terms of power. Instead of operating in the target signal's native analog environment, a digital buffer must first expend a great deal of energy to convert the signal into a digital signal. This issue is further compounded by the use of traditional Nyquist sampling which does not adapt to the characteristics of a dynamically changing signal. These characteristics reveal why a digital buffer is not an appropriate choice for a WSN or other resource-constrained system.;This thesis documents the development of an analog pre-processing block that buffers an incoming signal using a new method of sampling. This method requires sampling only local maxima and minima (both amplitude and time), effectively approximating the instantaneous Nyquist rate throughout a time-varying signal. The use of this sampling method along with ultra-low-power analog electronics enables the entire system to operate in the muW power levels. In addition to these power saving techniques, a reconfigurable architecture will be explored as infrastructure for this system. This reconfigurable architecture will also be leveraged to explore wake-up circuits that can be used in parallel with the buffer system.
