"Shear stress estimates in the approach and bridge section by using var" by Jun Seon Lee



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

Seung Ho Hong

Committee Co-Chair

Leslie C. Hopkinson

Committee Member

Leslie C. Hopkinson

Committee Member

Omar I. Abdul-Aziz


Shear stress is the resistance force on top of the contact surface caused by moving flow and is one of the important variable in fluid mechanics. Thus, a lot of researches have been conducted to predict accurate value of shear stress. However, calculating shear stress with existing equations has several limitations because only gradually varied flow and/or uniform flow was considered in their studies. Therefore, direct applying those methods into complex flow type, such as around a bridge, to predict shear stress is questionable.

Thus, laboratory experiments were carried out in a laboratory flume to attack the objective of this research which is “analyzing shear stress in the complex flow field”. The complex flow was made by construction of flow constriction structure in one side of flume, and the effect of three-dimensional flow around the constriction structure and back-water effect at the approach section of the structure were replicated in the flume. Water depth, velocity, and turbulence characteristics were measured by ADV and the measurements were used as input variables for various shear stress formulas. Total seven shear stress formulas are used in the analysis.

As a result of this study, the appropriate shear stress formulas are suggested to calculate bed shear stress in the approach section and bed shear stress characteristic is shown with respect to flow constriction.
