"The Effect of Occlusal Pressure on Vertical Force Generation on Dentat" by Matthew Thomas Harper



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



School of Dentistry


Restorative Dentistry

Committee Chair

Matthew S. Bryington

Committee Co-Chair

Jean McCrory

Committee Member

Jean McCrory

Committee Member

Bryan Dye


Objectives: To determine 1) the difference in lower extremity power obtained from a vertical jump in individuals who are dentate or edentulous (implants or dentures) and 2) the difference occlusal pressure makes on lower body force output. Variables included jump height, maximum kicking force, maximum push off force, take off velocity, flight time, jump impulse, and maximum velocity. Groups included dentate, implant overdenture, and conventional denture.

Methods: Counter movement jumping with force plate collection was utilized to test the three populations in this study. The three populations were dentate, mandibular implant overdenture opposing maxillary complete denture, and conventional maxillary and mandibular complete dentures. The dentate group was asked to clench their teeth at the beginning and throughout the counter movement jump. The edentulous groups were asked to clench with their prostheses in and to relax with them out.

Results: The force variables tested showed significant differences between the three test groups. Maximum velocity was only showed significant between the dentate in comparison to the other two groups, but not between implant or conventional. There was found to be no significant difference between the force variables and occlusal pressure.

Conclusions: In the present study, there was a significant difference found between the three dental condition groups of edentulous, implant, and dentate. The results indicate that the oral rehabilitation method did impact lower body force generation in all of the variables, with the exception of maximum velocity which only showed significance between edentulous and dentate.
