"The Perception of Management Support for Patient Safety After the Impl" by Janice M. Smith



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



School of Nursing


Not Listed

Committee Chair

Theresa Cowan

Committee Co-Chair

Alvita Nathaniel

Committee Member

Alvita Nathaniel

Committee Member

Elaine Davis


Problem Statement Leadership scores on the AHRQ Hospital Patient Safety Culture Survey at a 268 bed teaching, acute care, nonprofit, non-governmental hospital in the South Atlantic Region of the United states have been decreasing for the past seven years. In those years there has been no plan to improve the scores. Safety scores published for this facility on public websites are mediocre or poor.

Theoretical Framework The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) conceptual model for rapid cycle improvement served as a foundation for the project. The model supported the project well with a plan, do (test the plan), study (analyze the results), act (spread solution or do another test of change).

Methods A quasi-experimental one group pre and post-test study design was used. A modified AHRQ Survey was utilized with a purposeful sample. The posttest was compared to a survey completed before the implementation of the project.

Findings and Implications The implementation of Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Leadership WalkRrounds™ needed modified for this organization. Even though modified the effective evidence-based practice model was found to significantly improve the staff’s perception of leadership’s support for patient safety (p =. 0037). This appears to be a worthwhile practice and should not be overlooked to improve safety culture that to contributes to patient safety improvement.

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Nursing Commons
