"Adolescent Residential Mobility: Behavioral Outcomes and the Moderatin" by Sloane B. Glover



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

Sara Anderson

Committee Co-Chair

Amy Root

Committee Member

Amy Root

Committee Member

Jessica Troilo


Prior research has noted unfavorable associations between residential mobility (RM) and youth outcomes. However, little work has considered the mother-adolescent relationship as a moderator of the suggested associations. The purpose of the current study was to examine the internalizing, externalizing, and delinquent behaviors of adolescents (Mage=15.6, SD=0.77) following a move in comparison to adolescents who did not move. Frequency of moves was considered and adolescents were identified as either stable (0 moves), low mobility (1-2 moves), or high mobility (>2 moves) within a 6 year period. Mother-adolescent closeness and parental monitoring were examined as potential moderators of the relationship between RM and adolescent outcomes. The researchers expected mobility status would be positively associated with internalizing, externalizing, and delinquent behaviors and aspects of the mother-adolescent relationship would influence outcomes. Results suggest adolescents who experience high RM display more externalizing and delinquent behaviors following a move when compared to stable adolescents. No associations were found between adolescents’ internalizing behaviors and mobility status. Closeness between the mother and adolescent moderated the association between mobility status and externalizing behaviors, suggesting closer mother-adolescent relationships inhibited changes in externalizing behavior following a move. Implications for programs and school communities are included.
