"A Machine-Aided Seismic Signal Analysis Workflow for Subsurface Faults" by Wade Martin



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Geology and Geography

Committee Chair

Dengliang Gao

Committee Co-Chair

Tim Carr

Committee Member

Tim Carr

Committee Member

Jamie Rich


Seismic attribute analysis enhances the understanding of subsurface geology and has continually gained traction in the oil and gas industry since the 1970’s. Many seismic attributes are available for petroleum geoscientists. This research intends to provide insight to an analytical attribute workflow for rock property estimation in the Anadarko basin of Oklahoma that is prolific in oil and gas exploration, with a particular focus on seismic texture. 3-D volumes processed for seismic texture facies and structure enhance geophysical investigation and interpretation of amplitude data. This study will contribute valuable insight to reservoir studies and the potential for texture attribute well calibration across exploration. Seismic responses are directly related only to the velocity and density of the rocks and fluids present in the subsurface. An analytical attribute workflow will provide insight to depositional facies, structural geology, and small-scale features that are otherwise unclear from reflection seismology alone. The Pennsylvanian sandstones, the Mississippian and Devonian carbonates, and early Mississippian Woodford Shale are three proven petroleum targets that can be further evaluated within the Mountaineer 3D seismic data set. Application of an analytical attribute workflow with an emphasis on seismic texture attributes provides an insight to the subsurface basin structures and depositional facies, which are fundamental for successful exploration for and effective development of conventional and unconventional energy resources in the basin.
