"Numerical investigation of the influence of elevated turbulence levels" by Timothy William Repko



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Andrew Nix

Committee Co-Chair

Wade Huebsch

Committee Member

John Kuhlman.


A novel film cooling hole geometry for use in gas turbine engines has been investigated numerically by solving the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations in a commercial CFD code (STAR-CCM+) with varying turbulence intensity and length scale using the k-o SST turbulence model. Both steady and unsteady results were considered in order to investigate the effects of freestream turbulence intensity and length scale on this novel anti-vortex hole (AVH) concept. The AVH geometry utilizes two side holes, one on each side of the main hole, to attempt to mitigate the vorticity from the jet from the main hole. The AVH concept has been shown by past research to provide a substantial improvement over conventional film cooling hole designs. Past research has been limited to low turbulence intensity and small length scales that are not representative of the turbulent flow exiting the combustor. Three turbulence intensities (Tu = 5, 10 and 20%) and three length scales normalized by the main cooling hole diameter (Lambda x/dm = 1, 3, 6) were considered in this study for a total of nine turbulence conditions. The highest intensity, largest length scale turbulence case (Tu = 20, Lambdax/dm = 6) is considered most representative of engine conditions and was shown to have the best cooling performance. Results show that the turbulence in the hot gases exiting the combustor can aid in the film cooling for the AVH geometry at high blowing ratios (BR = 2.0), where the blowing ratio is essentially the ratio of the jet-to-mainstream mass flux ratios. Length scale was shown to have an insignificant effect on the cooling performance at low turbulence intensity and a moderate effect at higher turbulence intensities. The adiabatic film cooling effectiveness was shown to increase as the turbulence intensity was elevated. The convective heat transfer coefficient was also shown to increase at the turbulence intensity was elevated. An increase in the heat transfer coefficient is a deleterious effect and must be weighed against the improvements in the adiabatic cooling effectiveness. The net heat flux reduction (NHFR) is the parameter used to quantify the net benefit of film cooling. As a general trend, the NHFR was shown to increase with the turbulence intensity in all cases.
