"Edge colorings of graphs on surfaces and star edge colorings of sparse" by Katherine M. Horacek



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences



Committee Chair

Rong Luo

Committee Co-Chair

John Goldwasser

Committee Member

John Goldwasser

Committee Member

Hong-Jian Lai

Committee Member

Cun-Quan Zhang

Committee Member

Yue Zhao


In my dissertation, I present results on two types of edge coloring problems for graphs.

For each surface Σ, we define ∆(Σ) = max{∆(G)| G is a class two graph with maximum degree ∆(G) that can be embedded in Σ}. Hence Vizing’s Planar Graph Conjecture can be restated as ∆(Σ) = 5 if Σ is a sphere. For a surface Σ with characteristic χ(Σ) ≤ 0, it is known ∆(Σ) ≥ H(χ(Σ))−1, where H(χ(Σ)) is the Heawood number of the surface, and if the Euler char- acteristic χ(Σ) ∈ {−7, −6, . . . , −1, 0}, ∆(Σ) is already known. I study critical graphs on general surfaces and show that (1) if G is a critical graph embeddable on a surface Σ with Euler character- istic χ(Σ) ∈ {−6, −7}, then ∆(Σ) = 10, and (2) if G is a critical graph embeddable on a surface Σ with Euler characteristic χ(Σ) ≤ −8, then ∆(G) ≤ H(χ(Σ)) (or H(χ(Σ))+1) for some special families of graphs, namely if the minimum degree is at most 11 or if ∆ is very large et al. As applications, we show that ∆(Σ) ≤ H (χ(Σ)) if χ(Σ) ∈ {−22, −21, −20, −18, −17, −15, . . . , −8}and ∆(Σ) ≤ H (χ(Σ)) + 1 if χ(Σ) ∈ {−53, . . . , 23, −19, −16}. Combining this with [19], it follows that if χ(Σ) = −12 and Σ is orientable, then ∆(Σ) = H(χ(Σ)).

A star k-edge-coloring is a proper k-edge-coloring such that every connected bicolored sub-

graph is a path of length at most 3. The star chromatic index χ′st(G) of a graph G is the smallest

integer k such that G has a star k-edge-coloring. The list star chromatic index ch′st(G) is defined

analogously. Bezegova et al. and Deng et al. independently proved that χ′ (T) ≤ 3∆ for anyst 2

tree T with maximum degree ∆. Here, we study the list star edge coloring and give tree-like

bounds for (list) star chromatic index of sparse graphs. We show that if mad(G) < 2.4, then

χ′ (G)≤3∆+2andifmad(G)<15,thench′ (G)≤3∆+1.Wealsoshowthatforeveryε>0st 2 7 st 2

there exists a constant c(ε) such that if mad(G) < 8 − ε, then ch′ (G) ≤ 3∆ + c(ε). We also3 st 2

find guaranteed substructures of graph with mad(G) < 3∆ − ε which may be of interest in other2

problems for sparse graphs.
