

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Industrial and Managements Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Xinjian He

Committee Co-Chair

Michael McCawley

Committee Member

Michael McCawley

Committee Member

Gary Winn


Identifying UFP number concentrations near a natural gas compressor station is key to understanding ambient exposures associated with the transmission station. Developing an atmospheric survey to characterize these concentrations was key in understanding ambient exposures. The aims of this study are to compare and contrast number concentrations taken in a hollow, near the transmission station to those of the background. From this, it would be possible to identify whether or not the compressor station was a contributing factor to peaks and spikes in number concentrations.

This study begins with a review of what UFPs are, how they react in different atmospheres, and their health effects. Objectives of the study are then described in detail. This is followed by a brief discussion on the sampling procedure and protocols used during the sampling process. Further sections cover the results of the 14 days of sampling, and conclusions about the sampling days. The study concludes with a summary of limitations and why further research is required.
