Date of Graduation
Document Type
Problem/Project Report (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Committee Chair
Radhey Sharma
Committee Co-Chair
Roger Chen
Committee Member
Bhaskaran Gopalakrishnan
New energy sources are needed to sustain our constant need for energy as well as the development of the next generation. The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is over 600 miles in length and will provide consistent, clean energy to the energy consumers in Virginia and North Carolina from natural gas production in the states of West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. A detailed analysis was performed looking at modern pipeline construction as well as multiple studies to determine the economic, social, and environmental impacts of this transmission line. A theoretical study was also performed comparing how this transmission line would impact the current energy market, market demand, and effect on the coal industry. Finally, this study looks at how the transmission line would impact the alternative energy sector with its peak and back-up energy demand. The results of the analysis show that with modern pipeline construction processes, land, water sources, and rare animal and plant species will be minimally disturbed. Given the capability that the transmission line to provide numerous social and economic benefits, the pipeline should be continually pursued.
Recommended Citation
Young, William David, "Comprehensive analysis of the Atlantic Coast natural gas transmission line" (2016). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 3973.