"Impact of formation damage due to perforation on well productivity" by Elmouzemill Abrahim Adam



Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Committee Chair

H. Ilkin. Bilgesu, Ph.D.

Committee Co-Chair

Sam Ameri

Committee Member

Brijes Mishra


Formation Damage can be defined as any reduction in near wellbore permeability which results from drilling, completion, production, injection, attempted stimulation or any other well intervention. In the majority of completions, once the reservoir has been drilled, production casing or a liner is run into the well and cemented in place. To provide the communication between the reservoir and the wellbore, it is necessary to perforate through the walls of the cemented casing or a liner and penetrate into the formation. Currently horizontal well bores completed with extensive perforation are conducted as several clusters along the well bore. Perforation can lead to "skin damage", and impair the well productivity. Formation damage caused by perforation is undesirable but it intends to be analyzed to understand its impact on completions and production. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the perforation process and its techniques with its application in oil and gas industry. Furthermore, it studies the impact of perforations on well productivity based on formation damage resulting from perforating and drilling or workover operations. The effects of perforation depth and shot density were compared for damaged and undamaged perforations. The results will show the relationship between well productivity and the perforation operations.
