

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report

Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Industrial and Managements Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Steven Guffey

Committee Co-Chair

Xinjian He

Committee Member

Natalie Caravasos


This report documents the findings, observations, and recommendations of the investigator's noise assessment survey, performed at a northwest company fabrication building located in Washington State. The assessment was performed at the request of the company's safety management staff and the fabrication building's industrial hygienist between June 6 and July 22, 2014. The goal of the noise assessment was to determine the risk of employees developing noise-induced hearing loss from their work at the company; to update the company's hearing conservation program; and to provide noise reduction recommendations. During the assessment, noise monitoring data was collected through the use of personal noise dosimetry and through the use of a sound level meter. A total of 34 samples were collected from 32 employees using personal dosimetry. Samples collected represented a full shift time weighted averages, spanning both the 1st and 2nd shifts. A total of 147 sound level meter measurements were also collected throughout the assessment simultaneously with the personal noise dosimetry. Data analysis of noise monitoring samples indicated the presence of a possible noise overexposure for 3 employees of the company. In accordance with internal company policy and Washington state health and safety regulations, the findings from the noise assessment reinforced the continued inclusion of the over-exposed employees into the company's hearing conservation program. Noise reduction strategy recommendations included a combination of engineering and administrative controls, in addition to the company's use of a broad range of hearing protection devices.
