

Date of Graduation


Document Type

Problem/Project Report (Open Access)

Degree Type



Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design


Animal and Nutritional Sciences

Committee Chair

Janet Tou

Committee Co-Chair

Nicole Waterland

Committee Member

Youyoun Moon


Tomatoes are consumed all over the world, but mainly after the tomatoes have undergone processing. Approximately three quarters of tomatoes consumed within the US are processed. A review of the scientific literature was conducted to investigate nutrient losses caused by the current tomato canning process. The bulk of tomatoes nutrients and health benefits are within the skin and seed components, and currently both are removed for home and commercial canning process. Studies showed that the current tomato canning protocol used by home canners and industries resulted in substantial nutrient loss due to removing the skin and the seeds before placing the fruit into cans. A revised 'health conscious' tomato canning protocol is proposed, discussing its advantages on nutrient and phytochemical retention. Leaving the skin and seeds intact when canning tomatoes allows for a higher retention of nutrients, phytochemicals, and eliminates waste. No studies have investigated an alternative to the current tomato canning protocol. A revised 'health conscious' protocol will spare the removal of the skin and the seeds, allowing for the preservation of nutrients during the canning process. More research with a revised 'health conscious' protocol will help industries and home canners preserve a higher yield of nutrients and to make a more educated decision regarding how to preserve their tomatoes.
