"Models and protocols for evaluation of fingerprint sensors" by Gaurav Gupta



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Bojan Cukic


Generic and repeatable testing protocols that can be applied to any biometric system are essential for the development of standards in biometric system testing. The purpose of this thesis is to summarize the current understanding in the biometrics community of the best scientific practices for conducting technical performance testing for purposes of field performance estimation. The thesis identifies various scenarios affecting the performance of a general fingerprint recognition system and compares the performance of an optical and capacitive sensor in these scenarios using the developed protocols. Modeling of these performance characteristics is done in order to predict the performance of the system.;The results of this research suggest that the scenarios considered here do affect the performance of a fingerprint device. However, the affect depends on the type of sensor used. The analysis indicates that optical fingerprint sensors are more robust to sensor cleaning compared to capacitive sensors. On the other hand, temperature is an issue with optical sensors and not with capacitive sensors.
