"Study of reinforced concrete building demolition methods and code requ" by Haibin Huang



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Committee Chair

Roger H L Chen


The life cycle of reinforced concrete buildings is usually 40 to 90 years. However, during this life cycle, buildings will often meet some circumstances, such as disasters, changing functions, city reconstruction, or higher demand for the residence etc.; all of these circumstances will lead to demolition or reconstruction of buildings. Moreover, many of Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings in Asia or Europe built after World War II have been used for about 50 years or more, and now need to be rebuilt or demolished. But the current demolition methods are not safe enough, and the traditional building demolition project managing methods cannot satisfy the developments of the construction industry in future. So it is quite necessary to consummate the old building demolition regulations and working code, and also to develop more practical building demolition methods.;The research program begins from the collection of related documents, including pertinent building demolition laws, codes, working methods, project examination forms, and regulations in Europe, America, Australia, Mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. On the basis of this job, the research compares the building demolition laws and regulations between different countries, and then summarizes the building demolition methods and procedures, in order to put forward the building demolition ordinances amending opinions and compose the Common Reinforced Concrete Building Demolition Code draft for the execution of building demolition projects in Taiwan.
