"Hydrogeochemical characterization of springs and wells in the Cacapon " by Lacoa L. Corder



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Geology and Geography

Committee Chair

Dorothy J Vesper


The Cacapon Mountain Aquifer is located near Berkeley Springs in Morgan County, West Virginia. Approximately 120 wells were selected for a synoptic survey of data including static water levels, pHs, specific conductances, and temperatures to assess regional hydrogeology and geochemistry. Six springs and four wells were sampled on a monthly basis to identify their hydrochemical types and infer the geology of their recharge areas. The potentiometric surface obtained at wells was found to be a subdued reflection of topography. The geologic structure was determined to generally control the direction of ground water flow. Ground water was transmitted in a cross-strike direction on the slopes and in an along-strike direction in Cold Run Valley, parallel to the trend of Cacapon Mountain. Springs could be categorized into two hydrochemical groups; reflecting either a carbonate or siliceous source. Although water from Ladies' Spring was much warmer than all other springs, it was chemically very similar to the carbonate-derived spring waters.
