"Effect of well configurations on productivity index of gas well produc" by Emaadeldein Abdullaay



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Committee Chair

H Ilkin Bilgesu


This study investigates the effect of various well configurations (designs) and their impact on the productivity index of shale gas wells. Five different well configurations (Multilateral wells) are compared with a single horizontal well, which is taken as a base case (BC). Both the base case and the different well configurations have the same drainage area, the initial gas in place and the total lateral lengths are equal. The data to calculate the productivity index and the modeling for the different well designs are obtained from reservoir simulation. The different flow regimes of each well configuration have been studied to look at their effect on the well productivity index and the effect of lateral interference. Intermediate linear flow to the hydraulic fractures is found to be the primary effect on the productivity index.;Dual -- lateral well with 180° between the two laterals is found to have better productivity index than the base case and the other four well configurations, these four well configurations have smaller angles between laterals, which resulted on shorter lateral spacing than the Dual -- lateral well; thus lateral interference resulted in more pressure drop.
