"A study of the relationship between the leadership images of West Virg" by Dianna M. Vargo



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

Richard Hartnett


This study examines the relationship between leadership images of West Virginia public school superintendents and their directed modes of thinking. The Leadership Images: A Leadership Self-Inventory Instrument was used to collect data from the superintendents regarding their leadership images. The Keirsey's FourTypes Sorter was used to collect data from the superintendents regarding their directed modes of thinking. Also, the superintendents were asked to respond to five qualitative questions related to the work they do as superintendents. The surveys were used along with a demographic questionnaire that collected information regarding gender, size of the student population, student free and reduced status, number of years as superintendent, number of years in the school system, and number of years of experience in education. The surveys and questionnaire were sent to the 55 public school superintendents in West Virginia. Responses were received from 44 superintendents. Chi-Square Tests of Independence were computed to determine the level of significance.;Major research findings indicate no statistically significant relationship between leadership images and directed modes of thinking. The majority of the West Virginia superintendents are wizards and have a tendency to be L-Directed Thinking.;There is a statistically significant relationship between directed modes of thinking and gender. This finding signifies a heightened relationship between directed modes of thinking and gender. The majority of the West Virginia female superintendents have a tendency to be wizards and the majority of the West Virginia female superintendents have a tendency to be R-Directed Thinking.;Recommendations from this study include implementation of professional development activities for superintendents with a focus on an increased awareness of their leadership images and directed modes of thinking. Also, further research may be done on gender and directed modes of thinking.
