"The Science of Team Science: Exploring Principal Investigator Leadersh" by Stephenie K. Kennedy



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

Reagan Curtis

Committee Co-Chair

Geri Dino

Committee Member

Margaret Glenn

Committee Member

Ernest Goeres

Committee Member

Nathan Sorber


This study examined the relationship between the leadership style of principal investigators (PIs) of interdisciplinary research teams at academic health science centers and the collaboration satisfaction of their team members. Two stage sampling was used. One hundred NIH-funded principal investigators at eight regional health science centers completed a team identification form, identifying their teams as interdisciplinary and providing the names and emails of team members. An online survey instrument that included a basic demographic questionnaire, the Bolman and Deal Leadership (Others) Survey, and the Collaboration and Transdisciplinary Integration Survey was then sent to team members. The sample used for analysis included 170 individuals from 38 teams at 7 institutions. Team members identified that the PIs used all of the frames, but were more likely to use the human resource and structural frames. The pattern of frame use resulted in the identification that PIs were more likely to adopt a multi-frame leadership style rather than the no, single, or paired styles. Nearly 53 percent of teams identified that their satisfaction with collaboration was good to excellent, but the areas of team meeting productivity and conflict resolution were identified as potential areas of improvement. An analysis of variance was completed and demonstrated that there was a significant difference in collaboration satisfaction; the political frame differed significantly from both the symbolic and human resource frames. Additionally, team members' reports were significantly different between leaders using the multi-framed style and the no frame style. The effect size for this sample was small and indicated that approximately five percent of the variance could be explained by leadership. Most teams were composed of six to ten members and led by experienced PIs. The gender of the PIs was 58% male and 42% female.
