"Evaluation of a Community-Based Osteoporosis Educational Program" by Cynthia A. Smith



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



School of Nursing


Adult Health

Committee Chair

Nan S Leslie


Background: Research has shown low levels of osteoporosis knowledge and utilization of bone healthy behaviors among community members. Osteoporosis educational programs have been shown to improve osteoporosis knowledge and bone healthy behaviors. A review of the literature on community-based osteoporosis education is suggestive a onetime program led by nurse would be of benefit. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of an osteoporosis workshop led by a nurse practitioner that was held in a fitness center.;Objectives: Objectives of this evaluation include enhancing subjects' knowledge about osteoporosis and bone healthy behaviors, improving participants' perception of meeting personal bone healthy goals, improving participants' daily calcium and vitamin D intake, and improving subjects' physical activity levels.;Design: A repeated-measures design with measurements taken pre-intervention, immediately post-intervention and one month post-intervention was used. Osteoporosis knowledge, subject perception of meeting bone healthy goals, daily calcium and vitamin D intake, and physical activity levels were measured. An anonymous survey was given to the subjects immediately post-intervention regarding their opinions and suggestions for the program.;Subjects: The population focus for the intervention was those at high risk for osteoporosis, post-menopausal women and men aged 50 years old and older.;Results: Subject perception of meeting personal bone healthy goals significantly improved post-intervention. Osteoporosis knowledge significantly improved immediately post-intervention and at one month post-intervention. Daily supplemental and total calcium and vitamin D intakes increased significantly post-intervention. Significant increases in the days of the week and time spent engaging in moderate physical activity levels were found. The time spent walking on a typical day increased significantly. The majority of subjects reported the workshop was helpful and would recommend it to others.;Recommendations: The results of this study indicate a community-based osteoporosis educational intervention led by a nurse practitioner and held in a fitness center does improve participant perception of meeting bone healthy goals, osteoporosis knowledge, and the bone healthy behaviors of adequate daily calcium/vitamin D intakes and increased physical activity. Further studies using this intervention in more diverse populations are recommended.
