Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Learning Sciences and Human Development

Committee Chair

Terence C Ahern

Committee Co-Chair

Ugur Kale

Committee Member

John M Oughton

Committee Member

Steven D Rinehart

Committee Member

Thomas S Sloane


This study aimed at expanding the examination of a narrative structure by using short 2D short animated movies in an ESL learning (L2) environment. Employing an experimental design, this study investigated whether there was an effect of narrative structure that was sequenced in a linear, a simple non-linear and a complex non-linear manner on ESL learners' recall and comprehension of stories. The independent between-groups ANOVA yielded a statistically significant effect on recall and comprehension. As a summary, the result of this investigation found that there was an effect of narrative structure of animated movies on ESL learners' recall and comprehension of stories, which showed that the information that followed a linear (sequential) order of narrative structure was better recalled and comprehended than those that were not linear.
