"Implementations of Multi-Antenna Systems in a USRP Based SDR using Sim" by Wesley G. Rumble



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Committee Chair

Daryl Reynolds

Committee Co-Chair

Vinod Kulathamani

Committee Member

Matthew C. Valenti


Software Radio systems are one of the most versatile and cost effective systems for pro- totyping communications techniques in use today. Through the use of minimal hardware, typically only an RF front end, an SDR allows for as much of the signal processing as possible to be done via software. The benefits of utilizing software for signal processing in place of hardware are numerous. In some cases, like this work, parameters of operation may need to be dynamic or the objective of the work is academic research of new techniques. In some cases like these, swapping out costly signal processing hardware for signal processing software makes more sense. Additionally, the use of multi-antenna systems is becoming more and more common. In mid-2011, Mathworks released support for standard SISO (single input, single output) communications with the NI USRP (National Instruments Universal Software Radio Peripheral) but has yet to release support for any SIMO, MISO, or MIMO applications. In this work, we produce a testbed for proof of SIMO concepts and performance improvements in MATLAB and Simulink along with outlining preliminary work in implementing the MISO method of Alamouti STBC. The processes used to implement the discussed techniques will be outlined and discussed including results from testing with the USRPs in Simulink.
