Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling & Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Jessica Troilo

Committee Co-Chair

Amy Root

Committee Member

Audra Slocum


Father involvement in parenting can have a positive influence on both children and mothers. During times of economic stress it may also add to the resources available and make a positive contribution to mothers parenting practices. In this study it was considered how father involvement may influence mother's perceptions of parenting. Specifically, this study looks at father involvement in an Appalachian sample. Five participants completed questionnaires which answered questions about mothers' present perceptions of parenting and father involvement. No significant associations were found between father involvement and mother's perceptions of parenting. Limitations include small sample size and a lack of diversity in the sample. Possibilities for future research include cultural inclusion and qualitative questionnaires as well. Limitations and additional possibilities for future research are discussed in greater detail within the study.
