"A Correlational Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Behavior-Based " by Zinga Martine Branco



Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Industrial and Managements Systems Engineering

Committee Chair

Gary Winn

Committee Co-Chair

Majid Jaridi

Committee Member

Michael Klishis.


For many countries, oil production constitutes a large part of their economic resources. It is also one of the most hazardous activities with high incident rates. Workplace safety has remained a challenge for these industries which strive to operate injury free. Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) is used as a safety intervention approach to minimize the frequency and severity of workplace incidents and injuries. Many companies assume BBS is effective in reducing injuries and losses. However, only anecdotal evidence is usually presented to support the effectiveness of BBS in decreasing incident rates.;This study explores the relationship between Behavior-Based Safety (BBS) outcomes and incident rates in an oil production offshore facility located in West Africa. Quantitative analyses were performed using company historical data during a period of five years. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were calculated. Significant relationships (p value < 0.05) were found in correlation analyses between the rates of unsafe behaviors and total incidents; safe behaviors and total incidents; and observations sessions and total incidents. Linear regression models were used to assess the predictability of incident rates from BBS outcomes. These models revealed that only about three to nine percent of the variances in total incident rates could be explained by BBS outcomes, suggesting the existence of other organizational factors impacting incident rates' variations.;These findings suggested that BBS process could improve safety-related behaviors in workplaces; however, it had little effect on incident rates because BBS process outcomes were not good predictors of incident rates. Therefore, companies should not focus on BBS alone to decrease incident rates. Other safety programs should be given attention and resources allocated into BBS activities should be reconsidered. Further research is recommended to explore causal relationships of the significant correlations and to investigate the effects of BBS on incident rates when considered together with other existing safety programs.
