Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Committee Chair

Ever J Barbero

Committee Co-Chair

Bruce S Kang

Committee Member

Eduardo M Sosa


Well-designed laminated composites do not fail suddenly but rather develop microscopic progressive damage that leads to changes in macroscopic material response, such as matrix cracks, stiffness reduction, and failure. Simulation techniques are able to predict damage initiation and evolution as a function of service conditions. A method for obtaining material properties for damage analysis of Glass and Carbon fiber composites is proposed using a progressive damage analysis (PDA) model implemented in Abaqus.;The predictive capability of Progressive Damage Analysis (PDA) methods relies on material properties that characterize the ability of the composite to resist damage initiation and to delay damage progression. Although elastic moduli data and standard experimental methods exist, data and methods do not exist for damage-related properties. However, experimental data displaying macroscopic effects of damage (e.g., crack density and stiffness reduction) exists for a number of material systems. These experimental methods are sufficiently standardized to be used for other material systems.;The purpose of this study is to develop a method to obtain the missing material properties by adjusting their values so that the predicted material response matches experimental data. This methodology is based on minimizing the error between simulation predictions and available experimental data. Once the material properties are obtained, the simulation predictions are compared to a broad set of experimental data. Finally, sensitivity and convergence of Abaqus PDA is also studied.
