Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



Reed College of Media


Reed College of Media

Committee Chair

Ahn Hongmin

Committee Co-Chair

Rick Bebout

Committee Member

Nick Bowman

Committee Member

April Johnston


This study aims to identify predictable personality traits that can influence ones likelihood to stalk an ex-partner on Facebook. Particularly, the study focuses on the traits related with self-concept, given that motivations of using social network sites (SNS) are highly associated with self-concept. This includes self-esteem, two types of narcissism (grandiose and vulnerable narcissism), and self-efficacy. Furthermore, in order to better assess the predictability of these factors, this study considers other control variables while assessing predictability of personality traits, such as Facebook usage, length of the relationship, and time since the break- up, drawing from both social psychology and SNS literature. The results of a self-administered, web-based survey showed that self-esteem, grandiose narcissism, and self-efficacy were all traits that can predict Facebook stalking of an ex-partner. More specifically, self-esteem was negatively associated with ones likelihood to stalk an ex-partner on Facebook, while grandiose narcissism and self-efficacy were positively associated with it. The addition of several control variables also increased the predictability of Facebook stalking.
