Date of Graduation
Document Type
Degree Type
Eberly College of Arts and Sciences
Sociology and Anthropology
Committee Chair
Christopher P Scheitle
Committee Co-Chair
Katie Corcoran
Committee Member
Lisa Dilks
With the recent rise in individuals not identifying with a religion, now is a prime time to research disaffiliation. Using data from the National Study of Youth and Religion, the present study examines whether or not collective religious participation in early adolescence, above and beyond individualistic religious participation, reduces the likelihood of disaffiliation in young adulthood. The results show that those who attended a religious youth group in early adolescence were less likely to disaffiliate in early adulthood than those who did not attend. Youth group seems to have a unique role in retaining youth involvement in the church.
Recommended Citation
Halligan, Caitlin, "More Than Just Attendance: Individualistic Versus Collective Religious Socialization on Religious Change" (2017). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 5741.