Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Type



College of Education and Human Services


Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling & Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Barbara Warash

Committee Co-Chair

Karen Rambo-Hernandez

Committee Member

Jessica Troilo


This study examined how age and gender influence children's perceptions of play over time. Participants in the study, 39 children between the ages of three and five, answered pretend play questions pulled from the Play Skills Self Report Questionnaire (PSSRQ). Children in the study were enrolled in either a three or four-year-classroom and were assessed in the Fall of 2016 and again in the Spring of 2017. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA's were used to assess the influence that age and gender have on children's perceptions of pretend play. Results showed that children enrolled in the three-year-old classroom did not assess their play differently than children enrolled in the four-year-old classroom. Results also showed that males and females respond differently when assessing their play.
