Date of Graduation


Document Type

Thesis (Open Access)

Degree Type



Eberly College of Arts and Sciences


Sociology and Anthropology

Committee Chair

Lisa M Dilks

Committee Co-Chair

Melissa Latimer

Committee Member

Rachel Stein


Researchers have shown that both women and men with traits incongruent to their gender roles are viewed as less competent and are less acceptable than those whose traits conform to their gender roles. The present study looks at the effect of role congruity between gender, occupational status and personality traits and the effect that this has on the evaluation of potential romantic partner attractiveness. Little research has looked at the effect of both status characteristics such as occupation or college major and personal traits such as personality, likes-dislikes or hobbies. A vignette experiment was conducted in which college students were asked to read a paragraph about a hypothetical peer and then answer survey questions that assessed whether or not they find the person to be an attractive romantic partner. Analysis of this data helps to show the effect that role congruity or incongruity in both occupational status and personality traits has on evaluations of attraction.
