Date of Graduation
Document Type
Dissertation (Open Access)
Degree Type
College of Education and Human Services
Curriculum & Instruction/Literacy Studies
Committee Chair
Terence Ahern
Committee Co-Chair
Angela Dowling
Committee Member
Ugur Kale
Committee Member
Neal Shambaugh
Committee Member
Jessica Troilo
This design-based action research study utilized a model of design, implementation, and evaluation across four school semesters to improve the professional development provided to teachers in a new one-to-one computing environment. Data sources collected across all semesters helped guide changes to the design and implementation phases of the professional development. This study had one guiding research question: What are the appropriate professional development sessions and process for designing professional development in order to meet the needs of teachers as they to transform traditional classrooms into student-centered 21 st century classrooms?
Recommended Citation
McCartney, Monica, "Transforming Traditional Classrooms into Student-Centered 21 st Century Classrooms: A Developmental Process for Professional Development" (2014). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 6190.