Date of Graduation
Document Type
Thesis (Open Access)
Degree Type
Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Committee Chair
David Martinelli
Committee Co-Chair
Avinash Unnikrishnan
Committee Member
Ronald Eck
School travel safety has been a concern for transportation and government officials for a long time. Traffic incidents are among the leading causes of child mortality, and many of these incidents can be related to school travel. While the school travel landscape has changed drastically over the past several decades, little has changed with regards to school zone traffic regulation, particularly in West Virginia. Speed trailers were installed at a rural high school located along a West Virginia highway to assess the effectiveness of these types of devices in lowering vehicle speeds near urban schools along high-speed roads. A student survey was also conducted at three schools to determine school travel mode choice trends and gauge student perceptions of safety in their school travel. While significant reductions in average speeds in the presence of speed trailers were observed, compliance with the school zone speed limit was decidedly low. Student survey responses indicated that attitudes and perceptions of school zone safety varied between types of locations. Under the right circumstances, the implementation of speed monitoring displays can be a valuable measure to reduce school zone speeds, particularly when schools are located on or near high-speed roadways.
Recommended Citation
Palley, David W., "An Evaluation of Speed Monitoring Displays for School Travel Safety Improvement" (2016). Graduate Theses, Dissertations, and Problem Reports. 6371.